Take benefit from global network of liquidity with direct access to the tier 1 liquidity from the top FX Prime Banks.
Liquidity Solutions is a suite of capabilities for liquidity management, supporting the trading of a set of instruments across multiple competing venues: Exchanges, ATSs, ECNs, MTFs, Dark pools and in-house order matching engines. Our innovative solutions provide financial institutions with operational efficiencies and technical ability to optimize liquidity by configuring and creating their own private, branded trading system.
FinSys has the technical ability to aggregate tier 1 liquidity feed and integrated with third party trading software via secure FIX connectivity to deliver unmatched trading environment. In addition, our solution allows you to build and develop a library of various analysis order management in accordance with the business requirements. Access a full suite of liquidity management solutions to navigate fragmented markets cost-effectively, including market connectivity, smart order routing, algorithmic trading and reporting. Demonstrate best execution to your clients at any time.